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If you are wondering how much CBD you should be taking to combat your anxiety, we have good news for you; so are millions of others just like you.
Traditionally, finding a dosage recommendation for anxiety was near impossible. You could go to one of the online dosage calculators but those have no data to support their findings or you could just start on a low dose and work your way up, but that can be costly and take a long time.
As with any medication or treatment, the most important aspect of what you take is the amount that you injest. With CBD, one of the most common mistakes made by people looking for relief is that they don't know their individualized dosage.
With the CBD craze in full effect, getting true data and information out of the brands in the space is incredibly difficult and the reliability is questionable.
As we have seen with CBD and THC, the use of pharmacogenetics (how people respond differently to drug therapy based upon their genetic makeup or genes) is the only way to standardize alternative medicine.
One of the biggest challenges that people face when looking outside of traditional medicine is the lack of understanding and science as it pertains to individualized dosages.