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As many are aware, there are currently no deaths directly linked to overdosing on cannabis. While this is technically true, new studies suggest that there actually are negative effects of Cannabis that do exists.
While weed is still a lot safer than many of its fellow schedule 1 substances, new reports are recognizing the risk of Scromiting. What is Scromiting? It is short for Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS).
First, when we describe what Scromiting is, you may compare it to being alcohol intoxicated. You drank, smoked too much. Hopefully, it’s not going to involve a trip to the hospital because, after all, it’s weed, right? Who gets rushed to the hospital in an ambulance after smoking weed?
That is part of the prevailing culture about cannabis. There is no possible harmful outcome if you smoke too much or ingest or smoke cannabis with a high potency concentrate. But it’s not good. And in some cases, it can be life-threatening and cause permanent side effects.
There have been fatalities due to CHS recorded, but they are rare. Nonetheless, the condition is not only panic-inducing; it can cause lasting serious damage to internal organs.
For someone to develop CHS, they have to be using high potency cannabis daily for weeks. Many medical patients use Cannabis on a daily basis, but the weed they are using has nowhere near the potency that causes Scromiting (70 - 90%). Symptoms of Scromiting include persistent vomiting and nausea.
Where did the term ‘Scromiting’ come from? The first incident of the use of the term seems to be from 2004 with a single case in Australia. However, the unique case was not documented. The word has come to mean “screaming and vomiting.”
Why the screaming? Imagine having persistent cyclic vomiting that doesn’t go away? After a while, it hurts your stomach and your muscles, and it is scary. All those features could account for the ‘screaming’ part of the condition.